Newcastle Art Space Gallery
Current Exhibition
@91 Exhibition
NAS is currently showing an exhibition featuring studio and member artists of NAS. It
is a short pop-up exhibition and only on for two weeks. This is a great time to come and visit the
new gallery and see the work being done at the art centre. While some exhibitors are established and recognised in
their field, others are just starting out or at various stages in the development of their professional career. The gallery and the art space are works in progress themselves with planning underway for improvements and implementation of new vision and possibilities ahead.
The artists are Annemarie MURLAND, Barbie PROCOBIS, Peter LANKAS, Samuel KELLY,
Judith HILL, Denise JOHNS, Andrew FINNIE, Pascale GALVIN, Leslie DUFFIN, Joerg LEHMANN, Gwendolin LEWIS, Mark ST. CLAIR, Jennifer O’BRIEN, Natalie ENGDAHL, Cheridan CHARD, Leeroy CHAPMAN, Michel LE GOFF, Kathryn TAUNTON, John HARRISON.
L to R top to bottom down column works by Barbie Procobis, Judith Hill, Pascale Galvin, Annemarie Murland, Denise Johns, Peter Lankas, Leslie Duffin, Leeroy Chapman. |
L to R across column works by Cheridan Chard, Gwlendolin Lewis, Joerg Lehmann, John Harrison, Mark St. Clair, Natalie Engdahl, Michel Le Goff. |
Top L to R Jennifer O'Brien, Samuel Kelly, Below L to R Kathryn Taunton, Andrew Finnie
Gallery is located at 91 Chinchen Street Islington. Walk through the
side carpark beyond the flags towards the red door on the side of the
building. Open Thursday to Sunday from 12noon to 5pm. The exhibition
closes on Sunday 17th September.